Reducing carbon emissions

Sustainability at The Gym group

we’re with you for a fit future

At The Gym Group ensuring we are helping to build a fit future with our operations, people and members is a core priority. We have a number of initiatives we work on across the business to help achieve this, some of which you will see signposted on our communications to you and in gym with the "We're with you for a fit future" messaging.

Our net zero targets

To show we really mean it, we are committed to achieving our near term target of 50% reduction in Scope 1 and 2 emissions by 2030 and decarbonising these emissions by 2035. In addition, we have committed to a science based target to achieve net zero by 2045.¹²³

In fact, we are so keen to put our money where our proverbial mouth is that we are also offsetting our current carbon emissions by investing in high-quality offsetting projects. And these aren’t any old projects, they are all carefully selected and certified by internationally recognised bodies. Because of this, we are super proud to have become the UK’s first carbon neutral gym chain.

the uk's first carbon neutral gym chain

Our carbon net zero strategy

But back to carbon net-zero. How do we get there? There’s only one way and that’s by reducing our carbon emissions. We have a plan and this is it:

  • We are already purchasing 100% renewable energy and are committed to continuing to do so

  • Over the coming years we will remove all gas for water heating in our gyms

  • We have replaced all lighting in our gyms with LED lights

  • We will upgrade and network building control systems

  • We have a high-quality maintenance programme in place to ensure all our equipment is working as efficiently as possible

  • We are working on reducing our waste to landfill and are pleased that we were able to recycle 95% of our waste in 2021

  • We are constantly reviewing and improving the design and fit out of our gyms to ensure maximum energy efficiency (e.g. solar energy in Cambridge, EV charging in Northampton, using condensation from air-conditioning to flush toilets)

  • We are removing single use plastic from our vending machines (e.g. Cardboard boxes for locks, biodegradable plastic for towels)

  • We conduct frequent energy audits across our operations

  • We have high efficiency showers

  • Our printing supplier is EcoVardis accredited, which covers many factors including environmental. We currently produce all paper printed goods using FSC accredited stock. Printing on FSC certified paper ensures that landowners use responsible forestry practices. This confirms that the forest is being managed in away that preserves the natural ecosystem and benefits the lives of local people and workers, all while ensuring it remains economically viable. Find out more here:

Even more information is available in our 2022 Sustainability Report.

Certified carbon neutral company official logo in green

What can you do to help?

Short showers

As water can be a scarce resource, even in the UK, it’s best not to shower longer than necessary

Bring your bottle

All our gyms have water fountains and Yanga sports water, so don’t forget your re-usable bottle for refills

Bring your towel

We have vending machines for towels but do bring your own along if you can

Avoid driving

Public transport is a great way to travel sustainably to the gym, but walking, jogging or cycling are all nifty ways to extend


There are recycling bins throughout our gyms with instructions on how to use in the best way

Member using the battling ropes at the gym group

About the Gym Group

It’s our mission to break down barriers to fitness for everyone in the UK at affordable prices.

1. Form a 2019 baseline.
2. Aligned with the UK government’s commitment for grid decarbonisation as published in 2021.
3. Reduction in scope 3 emissions by 54% per gym by 2030 and 97% per gym by 2045 to achieve the absolute long term target of 90% reduction for scope 1, 2 and 3
* Offer available at selected sites only. See Terms & Conditions for further details. ** 24 hour access not currently available at all Gyms. Please see individual Gym pages for further details. ⨥Applicable terms, conditions and joining fees may apply. © 2024 The Gym Group.