HIIT Workouts
HIIT: high-intensity interval training. It involves doing lots of short, intense exercise internals in a row, with brief breaks in between. Becoming increasingly popular over the last decade, HIIT exercises gets your heartrate up, in turn bringing cardiovascular benefits as well as increased strength and endurance. If you’re looking to join the hype, get started by reading our simple introduction to doing HIIT workouts at home.
HIIT stands for ‘high-intensity interval training’. It involves doing a series of short yet intense exercises broken up by brief periods of rest or lower-intensity exercises. It became a mainstream fitness trend over the last decade, but some athletes, especially runners, have been exercising in intervals for many years.
What are the benefits of HIIT?
The HIIT approach to working out is incredibly efficient. If you have just 15 minutes or half and hour to spare (or even less), you can get a full workout in. HIIT is also great for cardiovascular health, as you’re really getting your heartrate up. And the best part? It requires very little equipment, so you can do a HIIT workout wherever you please.
Are HIIT workouts difficult?
They’re not the easiest workouts, that for sure. That’s because you will be doing lots of intense exercises within a relatively short period of time. The trade-off is that low-to-no equipment is required, and the overall session can be done much quicker than other typical workouts.
Here is our beginner’s guide to a basic HIIT workout you can do at home. Click on individual exercises to view our detailed, step-by-step guide—and don’t forget to warm up. You can scale these up as you get more comfortable with the routine, but feel free to do slower sets or take more breaks as needed.
Burpees: do as many as you can in one minute.
Pull-Ups: do as many as you can in 30 seconds.
Rest for one minute.
Push-Ups: do as many as you can in one minute.
Mountain Climbers: do as many as you can in 30 seconds.
Rest for one minute.
Planks: hold as long as you can for up to one minute.
Dips: do as many as you can in 30 seconds.
Rest for one minute.
Lunges: do as many as you can in one minute.
Squats: do as many as you can in 30 seconds.
Rest for one minute.
Crunches: do as many as you can in one minute.
Oblique Crunches: do as many as you can in 30 seconds.
Finish up by doing sprints or jogging for one minute.
If you’re keen to take things to the next level and make a bigger impact with your workouts, why not get in touch with your local Gym? Our friendly personal trainers would be happy to create an individualised workout plan to help you achieve your fitness goals. Start your new fitness journey today.